3001 Kaverton Road
Forestville, MD 20747
Main: (301) 568-1400
Toll Free: 1-800-322-6110
Fax: (301) 568-0077
Call our Service Department today to get an estimate on a Professional trash chute, compactor and trash room cleaning. Do not entrust the cleaning of your chute to the same guy that power washes your driveway. He could destroy your compactor that sits under your trash chute. Our service technicians are Professionally Trained and know how to properly protect your chute and compactor from damage during a high pressure cleaning.
The Finest Odor Control System
on the Market:
A rugged stainless steel cabinet encloses the pumping system and the controls of the Wilkinson Vaporizer. The system includes a lower cabinet to lock up a five gallon (20 liter) pail of odor neutralizer; easy to use controls are safely located behind a Lexan cover. The unit can be conveniently mounted on a wall surface or on an optional pedestal.
Professional Trash Chute Cleaning
  • Destroys Odor Molecules Electronically & Prevents Pest Attracting Odors
  • Uses No Chemicals
  • Installs in Minutes
  • Plugs into 115V Outlet (220V, 50Hz Optional)
  • Low Operating Cost
  • Simple Dial Operation to Match Odor Level
  • Quick Connection & Disconnection from Compactor/Container
  • Provides Cooling to Compactor/Container
Sonozaire™ Odor Neutralizer
Sonozaire Features:
The Wilkinson Vaporizer™
Everyone knows that a trash chute becomes dirty due to the large amounts of waste coming down the chute. But not everyone knows that to completely remove the grime and smell from a trash chute and trash room requires a professional trash chute cleaning and a high quality odor control system. TrashMasters, Inc. has been supplying the Mid-Atlantic region with these two products and services for over 30 years. Our experienced personnel are the best in the business when it comes to professional trash chute cleaning and supplying/installing odor control systems. Call us today to get an estimate for an odor control system, trash chute cleaning, or both.
Click on the picture for more info.
Click on the picture for more info.
The two secrets of Odor Control... a Sonozaire Odor Neutralizer or Wilkinson Hi-Rise Vaporizor, and a professional trash chute cleaning.